The use of body language in public speaking



body language, expression, gesture, public speaking


This research examined various methods of body language, gestures, and expressions used during public speeches. Numerous public speakers have used different techniques during their speeches to improve their presentations. Certain objectives of the research explain how body language can enhance public speech. The third objective was to examine how to prepare and implement various uses of body language into a public speech. Lastly, the research sought to identify the advantages of implementing different hand and arm movement methods while using assorted levels of voice ranges. The study was conducted by observing public speeches at expositions, seminars, government official public speeches, award acceptance speeches, and university professor lectures. Multiple prerecorded public speeches were also evaluated with the use of the internet. The primary results are that using different methods of hand gestures, arm movements, facial expressions, a strong voice, and maintaining a good posture significantly benefits public speeches. It was also established that preparing for a public speech by selecting the type of body language that will support your style of presentation will improve the success of your speech. The recommendation is that public speakers maintain a good posture and respect the audience while maintaining eye contact with all members attending the event. Additionally, the speakers should keep their hands and arm moving at all times while occasionally returning their hands to their waistline area and use various facial gestures and expressions to help entice the audience. Lastly, public speakers should use a strong voice during their speeches as it helps audience members focus during the presentation.


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How to Cite

Osias Kit T. Kilag, Glendon M. Quimada, Marlon B. Contado, Hanelyn E. Macapobre, Jason Isaac III A. Rabi, & Cyd C. Peras. (2023). The use of body language in public speaking. Science and Education, 4(1), 393–406. Retrieved from



Pedagogical Sciences