Autoimmune thyroiditis in the conditions of iodine deficiency region


  • M.F. Farmonova
  • M.A. Jumayeva
  • S.N. Taganqilichov
  • Sh.B. Mirzaev
  • A.D. Davranova


autoimmune thyroiditis, immune status, thyroid gland, hormonal background, pituitary gland


The problem of autoimmune thyroiditis is little studied, despite the wide spread of the disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis accounts for about 3% of total thyroid diseases and is more common in women than in men. If left untreated, it leads to severe systemic disorders [2,6,7,9,10].Autoimmune thyroiditis with its diffuse increase, which is often accompanied by hypothyroidism and the appearance in the blood of autoantibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase [8,11,12]. The main method of treatment for аutoimmune thyroiditis is the administration of thyroid hormones (levothyroxine and iodomarin) for replacement purposes [1,3,4,5]. In the hot climate of Uzbekistan, there is an increase in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis, an annual increase of 2.1% [15,18,20]. At the same time, there are still a number of unresolved problems with respect to autoimmune thyroiditis: the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease are not clear enough; there is no single generally accepted classification of autoimmune thyroiditis, there are no clear criteria for diagnosis, there is no pathogenetic therapy for the disease, and approaches to symptomatic therapy are ambiguous [16,17,18,19,21]. In this regard, it is necessary to study the features of the clinic, diagnosis, treatment in an iodine-deficient region [13,14].


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How to Cite

Farmonova, M., Jumayeva, M., Taganqilichov, S., Mirzaev, S., & Davranova, A. (2023). Autoimmune thyroiditis in the conditions of iodine deficiency region. Science and Education, 4(3), 154–158. Retrieved from



Natural Sciences