Dasturiy ta’minotni ishlab chiqish bosqichlari


  • Alisher Shakirovich Ismailov Toshkent moliya instituti
  • Abdulhamid Akbarov Toshkent moliya instituti
  • Gulnoza To’xtasinjon qizi Qodirova Toshkent moliya instituti
  • Maftuna Yigitaliyeva Toshkent moliya instituti


dasturiy ta’minot, dasturiy ta’minot ishlab chiqish bosqichlari, loyiha, SDLC


Kichik dasturiy masala yoki muammolarni yechish ancha sodda. Lekin katta dasturlar yaratilganda ularni talablarini o‘rganish, masalaga yechim topish, algoritmlar ishlab chiqish katta jamoa va ko‘p vaqt talab etadi. Bugungi kunda katta dasturlar yaratishda dasturlarni o‘z muddatida topshirish uchun tizim yaratilgan. Ushbu tizim SDLC (Software development life cycle) Dastur yaratish hayot sikli deb ataladi.


Ismailov, A., Jalil, M. A., Abdullah, Z., & Abd Rahim, N. H. (2016, August). A comparative study of stemming algorithms for use with the Uzbek language. In 2016 3rd International conference on computer and information sciences (ICCOINS) (pp. 7-12). IEEE.

Jalil, M. M., Ismailov, A., Abd Rahim, N. H., & Abdullah, Z. (2017). The Development of the Uzbek Stemming Algorithm. Advanced Science Letters, 23(5), 4171-4174.

Abdurakhmonova, N., Alisher, I., & Sayfulleyeva, R. (2022, September). MorphUz: Morphological Analyzer for the Uzbek Language. In 2022 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK) (pp. 61-66). IEEE.

Ismailov, A. S., & Jo‘rayev, Z. B. Study of arduino microcontroller board.

Ismailov, A. S., Alijanov, D. D., Jo‘rayev, Z. B., & Kurbanov, M. U. Research on renewable energy sources in Uzbekistan.

Ismailov, A. S., Shamsiyeva, G., Abdurakhmonova, N., & Navoi, A. Statistical machine translation proposal for Uzbek to English.

Abdurakhmonova, N. Z., Ismailov, A. S., & Mengliev, D. (2022, November). Developing NLP Tool for Linguistic Analysis of Turkic Languages. In 2022 IEEE International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON) (pp. 1790-1793). IEEE.

Abdurakhmonovaa, N., Alisher, I., & Toirovaa, G. (2022, September). Applying Web Crawler Technologies for Compiling Parallel Corpora as one Stage of Natural Language Processing. In 2022 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK) (pp. 73-75). IEEE.

Abdurakhmonova, N., Tuliyev, U., Ismailov, A., & Abduvahobo, G. (2022). UZBEK ELECTRONIC CORPUS AS A TOOL FOR LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS. In Компьютерная обработка тюркских языков. TURKLANG 2022 (pp. 231-240).

Abdurakhmonova, N., Shakirovich, I. A., & O‘G‘Li, K. N. S. (2022). Morphological analyzer (morfoAnalyse) Python package for Turkic language. Science and Education, 3(9), 146-156.

Ismailov, A. S., & Abdurakhmonova, N. The development of Alisher stemmer for Uzbek Language.

Ismailov, A. S., Abdurakhmonova, N., & Tojiboyev, G. O. (2021). Wireless traffic light controller. Science and Education, 2(12), 249-253.





How to Cite

Ismailov, A. S., Akbarov, A., Qodirova, G. T. qizi, & Yigitaliyeva, M. (2023). Dasturiy ta’minotni ishlab chiqish bosqichlari. Science and Education, 4(3), 187–191. Retrieved from https://openscience.uz/index.php/sciedu/article/view/5335



Technical Sciences