Thermophysical accounting of the outer wall consisting of three-layer foam concrete


  • Azzam Mardonovich Berdikulov Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
  • Zohida Furqat qizi Mamirova Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute


thermal conductivity, the energy efficiency of buildings, thermophysical, walls, foam concrete


The paper gives the results of theoretical and experimental natural thermal - physical researches in the models of extiriol walls performed from the fixed formwork from polystyrenefoam. Determination of resistance of heattransfering, coefficient, thermal conductivity, temperature distribution in the thickness of the experimental samples, humidity and heatresistance of extiriol walls, erected from a fixed formwork from polystyrene. In addition calculation is made of masture condition of extiriol walls erected from permament formwork of polystyrenefoam.


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How to Cite

Berdikulov, A. M., & Mamirova, Z. F. qizi. (2023). Thermophysical accounting of the outer wall consisting of three-layer foam concrete. Science and Education, 4(3), 248–252. Retrieved from



Technical Sciences