Calculation of some improper integrals by Euler integrals


  • Mоkhinur Hаydаr kizi Rаupоvа Сhirсhik Stаtе Pеdаgоgiсаl Univеrsity


improper integrals, power series, analytic function, Euler integral, Gamma function, Betta function


To resolve several challenging applications in many scientific domains, general formulas of improper integrals are provided and established for use in this article. The suggested functions can be considered generators for new improper integrals with precise solutions, without requiring complex computations. New criteria for handling improper integrals are using Gamma and Betta function properties.


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How to Cite

Rаupоvа M. H. kizi. (2023). Calculation of some improper integrals by Euler integrals. Science and Education, 4(4), 21–25. Retrieved from