Classification, etiopatogenesis and clinical studies of drug hypersensitivity


  • Ozoda Razhabturdievna Yomgurova Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina


drug allergy, drugs, drug biotransformations, polypharmacy


In recent years, the safety of pharmacotherapy has become of particular relevance for practitioners. The reason for this is the prevalence of complications of drug therapy. Quite often, patients receiving drugs develop toxic and allergic reactions, there are hereditary adverse reactions. Drug allergy occupies a special place in this structure. According to WHO data for 2001, the lethality from drug allergies was more than 5 times higher than the lethality from surgical interventions. The frequency of allergic reactions tends to increase and is 17% in people who regularly take medications.


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How to Cite

Yomgurova, O. R. (2023). Classification, etiopatogenesis and clinical studies of drug hypersensitivity. Science and Education, 4(4), 323–327. Retrieved from



Natural Sciences