Dynamics of quality of life indicators during personalized rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis with arterial hypertension
rheumatoid arthritis, hypertrophy of the left ventricle, symptomatic hypertensionAbstract
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease that not only affects the musculoskeletal region, but is also characterized by a high risk of developing comorbid conditions, which, in turn, are closely associated with a more active and severe course of RA and pronounced functional disorders. The purpose of the study: to study the dynamics of quality of life indicators in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with arterial hypertension during the personalized rehabilitation program at the post-hospital stage. Material and methods of research: At the first stage of the study (retrospective cross-sectional design), the medical histories of 51 patients with RA who sought inpatient care at 1-clinics of SAMMU in the period from 2019 to 2021 were analyzed, with HRQoL results recorded. Research results and their discussion: According to the results of data processing of 51 RA patients (mean age 53.7±9.9 years; 39 women and 12 men), 38.2% of the examined individuals had a concomitant diagnosis of hypertension. The activity of the disease was medium or high in 46.5% of cases. Patients had on average 2 risk factors for CVD, and one of them was present in at least 89.8% of cases. The combined average HRQoL score was calculated for the physical (PF, RP, BP and GH) and mental (VT, SF, RE and MH) components of SF-36 in RA patients. The algorithm for calculating average scores included a negative weighting of all elements of the SF-36 subscales, partially leveling the difficulties of interpreting the final scores of summary scores as values of a higher order. Conclusion: Rheumatoid arthritis has an effect on HRQoL, measured on the SF-36 scale, and RA patients with comorbid pathology - arterial hypertension - show the worst health-related quality of life profile. In patients with RA and hypertension, it is advisable to periodically assess the dynamics of HRQoL indicators, assuming as a key therapeutic goal the limitation of side effects of both the underlying disease and concomitant pathology. With the combined use of various methods of rehabilitation therapy, their influence is most significant both in the physical and mental spheres of life of RA patients with hypertension at the post-hospital stage of medical rehabilitation.
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