The relevance of improving the maintenance system of the railway track based on the efficient use of labor resources


  • Kuvondik Saginovich Lesov Tashkent State Transport University
  • Otabek Batirovich Isroilov Tashkent State Transport University


Railway track, improvement of the system, labor resources, contingent of trackers, track maintenance, ensuring safe and smooth passage of trains, track load


The main purpose of the article is to explain the relevance of improving the maintenance system of the railway track based on the efficient use of labor resources. The maintenance of the track is occupied by a large team of track workers, and the solution of these tasks is largely determined by the extent to which, with the available means of mechanization, the contingent of track workers in terms of composition and qualifications corresponds to what is required to perform the necessary types and volumes of work on the current maintenance of the track.


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How to Cite

Lesov, K. S., & Isroilov, O. B. (2023). The relevance of improving the maintenance system of the railway track based on the efficient use of labor resources. Science and Education, 4(7), 70–76. Retrieved from



Technical Sciences