Smart mobility solutions for efficient and sustainable transportation in small metropolitan areas: a case study of ASAYISH township


  • Yama Aslamy TUAC


smart mobility, small metropolitan areas, ASAYISH township, case study, intelligent transportation systems, electric vehicles, shared mobility services


In order to investigate smart mobility solutions for effective and sustainable transportation in small metropolitan areas, this article offers a case study of ASAYISH Township. A literature review, case study analysis, and interviews with important players in the transportation and urban planning sectors made up the research approach. The findings show that the efficiency and sustainability of transportation in small metropolitan areas may be increased by implementing smart mobility solutions, such as intelligent transportation networks, electric automobiles, and shared mobility services. The conclusion of the article emphasizes the requirement for policymakers to give the implementation of smart transportation solutions in small metropolitan regions top priority.


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How to Cite

Yama Aslamy. (2023). Smart mobility solutions for efficient and sustainable transportation in small metropolitan areas: a case study of ASAYISH township. Science and Education, 4(8), 111–113. Retrieved from



Technical Sciences