The importance of early detection of complications in Bronchial asthma


  • Shukhrat Xudayberdiyevich Ziyadullayev Institute of Immunology and Human Genomics of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
  • Jamshid Abduraimovich Ismailov Samarkand State Medical University
  • Bobur Maxsud o’g’li Meliev Samarkand State Medical University
  • Xumora Urinova Samarkand State Medical University


bronchial asthma, chronic heart failure, treatment, pro-BNP, endothelium


Bronchial asthma, commonly referred to as asthma, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. These symptoms occur due to a combination of airway inflammation, bronchospasm, and mucus production. Asthma can affect individuals of all ages, and its severity can range from mild to life-threatening.


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How to Cite

Ziyadullayev, S. X., Ismailov, J. A., Meliev, B. M. o’g’li, & Urinova, X. (2024). The importance of early detection of complications in Bronchial asthma. Science and Education, 5(5), 100–110. Retrieved from



Natural Sciences