Theoretical and practical aspects of conciliation and mediation procedures in the protection of labor rights


  • Lobar Nurali qizi Nuraliyeva Tashkent state university of law


conciliation procedure, labor rights, conciliation and mediation procedure


The article is devoted to the use of conciliation and mediation procedures in protecting the rights of workers. Conciliatory procedures, by the standards of the science of civil procedural law, are a relatively young legal institution. For a long time, conciliation in court proceedings was exhausted by the conclusion of an amicable agreement - a universal option for ending the activities of the parties to settlement of the dispute. Over time, largely thanks to the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, this institution received not only serious theoretical, but also legislative development. New conciliation procedures were proposed, they began to clothe de jure in independent arrays of legal norms within the framework of civil procedural legislation. In the new Labor code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the definition of conciliation-mediation procedure is defined, its function and structure is covered that shows its importance has increased in our legislation.


Labor Code of Republic of Uzbekistan

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How to Cite

Nuraliyeva, L. N. qizi. (2024). Theoretical and practical aspects of conciliation and mediation procedures in the protection of labor rights. Science and Education, 5(5), 321–327. Retrieved from



Pedagogical Sciences