Development of reading skills in middle grades of general education school


  • Сhjen Yelena Vitalievna NamSU
  • Dilrabo Ibragimova NamSU


reading abilities, development of analyzing skills, art text, analyzing a work, intellect card, synquain


The article is devoted to the important methodological problem - improvement of reading abilities at the lessons of literature in general education schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This problem is considered on the example of studying A.P.Chekhov’s works at lessons with the use of new pedagogical technologies - Intellect Card and Synquain.


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How to Cite

Сhjen Yelena Vitalievna, & Ibragimova, D. (2024). Development of reading skills in middle grades of general education school. Science and Education, 5(6), 280–283. Retrieved from



Pedagogical Sciences