Utilizing corpus linguistics to instruct English


  • Sunnatillo Baxtiyorovich Otajonov University of Exact and Social Sciences


case, corpus linguistics, communication, information


The study explores the usage of electronic corpora in the context of English training. The methodological promise of corpus linguistics is duly acknowledged. Despite the undeniable effectiveness of using corpus data for teaching and learning a foreign language, English educators have not given sufficient attention to the topic of corpus linguistics. The corpus method can be considered a valuable tool for developing practical skills and abilities in foreign language education when organizing students’ individual work. This is because it enables pupils to enhance their language proficiency via practical application. In order to effectively teach the theory and practice of the English language, it has been determined, through a review of existing literature and analysis of data from the British National Corpus, that it is necessary to develop specific guidelines for both teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Otajonov, S. B. (2024). Utilizing corpus linguistics to instruct English. Science and Education, 5(6), 389–393. Retrieved from https://openscience.uz/index.php/sciedu/article/view/7126



Philological Sciences