Built local interpolation cubic spline function


  • Kurbonov Jaloliddin Uzbekistan National University


spline functions, local splines, second-degree polynomials, cubic splines


To analyze the spline function with a higher order of approximation based on the given data, to solve the problem in the object on the basis of experimental data by the working group in order to eliminate the problem that occurred in an object. Based on the experimental data obtained to solve the given problem, a mathematical model focused on this object is built, and based on the built model, the solution to the problem in the object is determined and analyzed.




How to Cite

Kurbonov Jaloliddin. (2024). Built local interpolation cubic spline function . Science and Education, 5(12), 8–12. Retrieved from https://openscience.uz/index.php/sciedu/article/view/7320