Genetic Consultation before marriage


  • Mohammad Shoaib Shariati Parwan University
  • Mohammad Hanif Rasikh Ghazni University
  • Shoaib Hamid Jawzjan University


genetic counseling, family marriage, genetic disorders, disabilities and diseases, birth defects, couples


A disabled baby is born every eight minutes. The birth of a disabled baby in families imposes huge costs on the family and society and endangers the health and safety of families, considering that prevention always precedes treatment and it costs less, genetic counseling before marriage is an effective measure. It is to improve the level of health and strengthen the foundation of the family. So far, about sixteen thousand genetic diseases have been known. Genetic diseases have a wide variety in different countries and regions, and in our country, due to multiple family and ethnic marriages, it has a high prevalence. As a result, genetic counseling is one of the priorities of society. Genetic or hereditary diseases are considered a special disease that can affect the whole family for years. Most of the genetic diseases are incurable or its treatment is very expensive and involves a lot of pain Some of these diseases also cause early death, which can have a negative effect on the family’s spirit. Genetic counseling before marriage, whether related or non-relative, is necessary because the risk of genetic abnormalities in non-related marriages still exists with a lower frequency than in family marriages. About half of the various disabilities such as: blindness, deafness, mental retardation, repeated miscarriages, short stature, growth delay, deformities and birth defects, infant death, infant paralysis, hereditary cancers are due to genetic disorders.Genetic counseling can reduce the percentage of disabilities caused by genetic diseases caused by people’s marriage or consanguineous marriage. In fact, the purpose of the current research is to provide useful and scientific information about family marriages and the occurrence of genetic diseases and to support families at risk of having children with genetic disorders with families who currently have children with birth defects or genetic disorders. In this article, genetic counseling before marriage and its importance in preventing various hereditary human diseases have been investigated, so that reliable scientific books and articles have been used to collect the information.


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How to Cite

Mohammad Shoaib Shariati, Mohammad Hanif Rasikh, & Shoaib Hamid. (2024). Genetic Consultation before marriage. Science and Education, 5(8), 6–18. Retrieved from



Natural Sciences